GREEN FACT työpaja – kohti vihreämpää ja kestävämpää kaupunkiympäristöä

Maanantaina 21.5.2018 kokoontui 35 kaupunkisuunnittelun ja vihreän infrastruktuurin asiantuntijaa eri puolilta Suomea ideoimaan, miten voitaisiin vahvemmin tukea kaupungin sini-viherrakennetta ja parantaa edellytyksiä sopeutua ilmastonmuutokseen.

Fokuksena oli nk. viherkerroin-työkalu (green factor), jolla voidaan lisätä tonttien istutuksia, viherelementtejä ja hulevesirakenteita. Työpaja oli lähtölaukaus Aalto-yliopiston monitieteiseen, maisema-arkkitehtuurin johtamaan GREEN FACT -tutkimushankkeeseen.


Lisätietoja: Ranja Hautamäki, Associate Professor, maisema-arkkitehtuuri, arkkitehtuurin laitos, Aalto-yliopisto,

Welcome to Product Design Gala 2018 @ Aalto Design Factory and Urban Mill on May 18th!

PRODUCT DESIGN GALA | FRIDAY 18.5.2018 9:00-17:00
Aalto Design Factory & Urban Mill
Betonimiehenkuja 5C & 3E, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland

For 21 years PdP has brought students of engineering, design, and business together to tackle industry problems and develop state of the art solutions to real problems. At the Final Product Design Gala you’ll get to witness and experience these awesome products.

So come and fall in love with the results of our interdisciplinary Product Development Project teams in the Product Design Gala on 18.5. at Aalto Design Factory & Urban Mill!

The 12 student teams from Aalto University and our partner universities have been working hard for the last 8 months, to complete their design challenges given by industrial companies and other collaborating parties. In the public exhibition you will have a chance to hear about the teams’ accomplishments and process, as well as to get familiar with the people themselves together with their amazing prototypes.

This year the teams are sponsored by the following companies: AALTO EXPLORER, ABB, ERICSSON, KONE, KY, MURATA, ORTHEX, RESTEL, SAAB, SAFERA, TRENOX, and VALTRA. In addition, the Aalto teams have been collaborating with students from the following universities: Munich University of Applied Sciences, Pace University in New York, Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Porto Polytechnic, Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, University of Tartu, University of São Paulo, Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne,

For more details concerning the Gala and this year’s projects, please visit:

You can find more information about the teams and their solutions also from PdP Gala 2018 Mobile Service:


 “All you need is Love, Design, Business, and Engineering.”

Sisäilma-hackathon käynnissä Urban Millissä

Espoon kaupunki järjesti innovaatiokilpailun 3.5, jossa haetaan ratkaisuja koulujen ja päiväkotien sisäilmaongelmiin. Hackathon on ensimmäinen Espoon kaupungin järjestämä hackathon, jossa Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu toimii yhteistyökumppanina.

Hackathon on 12 tuntia kestävä innovaatiokilpailu, missä haasteena on kiinteistödatan pohjalta ideoida uudenlaisia digitaalisia ratkaisuja, joilla voidaan ylläpitää terveellistä ja turvallista oppimisympäristöä.

Haettavan ratkaisun pitää tukea Espoo-tarinassa olevaa Koulut kuntoon –tavoitetta sekä hyödyntää hackathonissa jaettua kiinteistödataa. Sen pitää soveltua Espoon tilapalveluiden toimintaympäristöön sekä perustua uudenlaiseen toimintatapaan.

Hackathon aloitettiin aamulla Espoon kaupunginjohtajan Jukka Mäkelän puheenvuorolla, jonka jälkeen tiimit aloittivat työskentelyn. Tilaisuudessa on osallistujina kuusi tiimiä monipuolisesti eri aloilta: rakenne-, sisäilma-, ohjelmisto ja talotekniikan asiantuntijoita kuin myös työhyvinvoinnin- ja kosteudenhallinnan asiantuntijoita. Parin tunnin kuluttua tiimit pitchaavat ideansa, jonka jälkeen jury valitsee parhaimman ratkaisun. Paras ratkaisu voittaa palkkion 5 000€ sekä tiimi voi päästä kokeilemaan ratkaisuaan kaupungin Tilapalveluiden kanssa. Tiedote voittajan sekä voittajan etenemisestä tulee myöhemmin.

Teksti: Rosa Dahlqvist, Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu ja Hanna Kautto, Espoon kaupunki
Kuva; Jaakko Porokuokka, Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu

HAMK’s master students learning from business experts at Urban Mill

On a sunny Friday 27.4.2018, Urban Mill got visitors from Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), when its students from the Master’s degree programme in Business Management and Entrepreneurship spent the last contact day of their spring semester in Otaniemi.

During the day, the students had the pleasure of listening to lectures from experts from very varied fields of business. Lars Miikki from Urban Mill was kind enough to tell the story and mission of the Urban Mill Innovation Platform (Public-Private-People-Partnership), and Mikael Virkki came to give a lecture about the global operations of Business Finland. Teijo Räsänen and Tommi Gustafsson from Innotiimi International Ltd Oy talked about their company, change leadership and the many different styles of leadership with real life examples, and Perttu Karjalainen from Entocube gave a lecture about the global environmental problems the food industry causes, and gave an introduction into a possible solution: edible insect farming.

All of the subjects were very interesting and got a lot of discussion going on among the students. None of the lecturers was spared from sharp questions. The students got real treats, since Perttu from Entocube brought some tastings from their own production: crickets! How yummy! For lunch, the students visited the beautiful Fat Lizard restaurant and bar, which was conveniently in a walking distance. There they enjoyed a company introduction and a buffet – and also some more crickets.

At the end of the day, the students had a workshop, where they discussed the day’s topics and presented their own ideas and thoughts about change management and modern trends in food industry.

All of the students enjoyed the day at Urban Mill greatly, and the facilities got many praises for their innovative and refreshing atmosphere. The students were impressed also on the fact that the surrounding Otaniemi is full of companies with the same start-up mindset as Urban Mill. Lars Miikki mentioned at least Urban Mill’s neighbours at Otaniemi Innovation Alley: Startup Sauna and Aalto Design Factory with all its innovative students. Such a creative place!

Thank you for the awesome day, Urban Mill!

Text and photos: Terhi Tammivirta, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK).